Thursday, July 30, 2009

Overwelmingly Silly

Work is something most of us do to survive, and work is not something you look forward to every morning. But, my sister once told me that you're not working for your boss, your co-workers, but God. Work as if you're working for God. A wise bit of information don't ya think? When I get frustrated with work, all I have to remember is I am working for God, and who better to make proud than him? Going through this job has made me realize a couple things about myself...1) I am not a hugger of those who are not my family. When people are sad or upset, I feel awkward or uncomfortable to hug them, but if it's my family it's okay. When people have exciting news I would rather give them a high five then a hug. 2) I try to make every situation funny so no one feels uncomfortable. If someone is mad at someone else I try to make them laugh about it. If someone is upset about something at home I just try to make them smile rather than giving any advice because I really don't have much advice for them. 3) I do not like people that try to act hard to impress... Why would you make everyone around you feel that they have to walk on egg shells around you? Why not just be nice, and smile? 4) Stress gets the best of everyone and makes people act differently than they really are... whenever we are all busy and stressed we tend to not get along as well. 5) Women are impossible, and will never all get along... just a fact. 6) If you stay neutral on every situation, life will be much easier! Easier said than done, but a good goal for us all to work towards! I think that being silly rather than being angry is a better approach on helping people, I am not sure why but it seems to be my automatic reaction. I thrive to make people life, and when I get a whole room laughing I feel like I've done my job. Sometimes I can even tend to overwelm myself with my obnoxiousness, so it's just something to keep in mind, that sometimes it's just better to be quiet than a loud mouth class clown.


  1. You ARE pretty funny! Here's what I think today:
    In most situations, I tend to think about what might be in it for me (looking at the bright side, sort of) and I just realized that the answer that makes sense is . . . NOTHING. Like you said, we do what we do for the God of the universe, not for ourselves and not even really for others. So what's in it for me? Nothing. Just do it. Done and done.

  2. "People often say to me: 'You must have been the class clown!' and I say 'No, I wasn't. But I sat next to the class clown, and I studied him!'" ~Waiting for Guffman
