Monday, June 15, 2009

I Love Lucy

I remember when I was little I would lay in my mom and dad's bed, and watch re-runs of "I Love Lucy". Lucy is the ideal picture of imperfection. Even though she was almost dressed like the typical trophy wife, she was always struggling with something whether it was hiding a brand new fancy hat from her husband, Ricky or if she was working a new job with her best friend Ethel and shoving the chocolates she was supposed to be wrapping into her mouth. She never had everything just right, which is simply refreshing because in real life there is always going to be a predicament we are in whether it it something big or small. But, it is all about how you choose to handle it... Do you simply make the best of it or do you make things more difficult than they need to be. I tend to make things more difficult then they need to be. Like Lucy who would continue to hide the fancy hat from Ricky until she got caught and Ricky would be even more irritated that she had hidden it for so long, I tend to make things harder for myself when I could make things much easier. A personal goal I guess? When I'm frustrated with things at work I hold in my anger and then I end up saying stupid things when really the easier thing to do is just trust God that he will take care of me and I just need to relax, and work like I'm working for Jesus and no one else. But, maybe having a little Lucy in you isn't all that bad? She always knows how to have a good time, and is always having an adventure. So maybe the ultimate goal is to have a little Lucille Ball in you and not being afraid to just admit you're a dork, but at the same time having a little patience and "smarts" in you as well.


  1. So true! YOU do love Lucy! I showed the eighth graders the chocolate episode and they laughed and laughed! The crazy, reckless ways of Lucy do teach us a little lesson in risk taking. YOU are the best!

  2. Very, very cool. What a joy to get to read your thoughts. I'm thankful for your good advice today. I love you!
