Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bye Bye Weekend

A relaxing weekend is coming to an end... It depends on the week if I am looking forward to work. This week, I would rather not go in. No specific reason... just want another four days off. Scott should be hearing from Dish very soon.... I really hope he gets this job. It'll be nice to have some days off alone with Sam. Not that I don't love having him home... I just miss the girl time. I am very spoiled right now though. Scott does a lot of work around the house which makes me job around here so much easier. This weekend was relatively nice. Although, there are a lot of fires in CO... we got to enjoy running around the backyard fire free. Sam likes to run down by the fence and to a pile of rocks... the two place I don't want her to be.

Sam has started to count! Usually - I will count to three when I am about the do something like push her on her scooter or throw a blanket over her head. So, when I say one.... Sam says, "Doooo!" (two).... " Shreeeeeeeee" (three). It is very cute, but Scott was trying to use the counting as a discipline method when Sam was playing with the trash can. Scott gives Sam and stern look and tells Sam No.... One.... and Sam smiles and looks up and says, "DOOOOO!" Scott had to walk away to laugh... Boy, are we in trouble with this crazy kid.

What you are looking at is a Fried Jalapeno! They turned out alright, I guess. Next time I will used pickled jalapenos. Can you tell that a lot of my nights have been spent on the couch watching Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives? I get some fun ideas from that show BUT it's never fun to make an unpleasant meal. Although - I have been craving my Chocolate Chip Cookies lately... Yummmm. While making these spicy little poppers - I forgot to turn the fan on again, and smoked up the whole house. Scott was a little irritated... probably because he reminded me to turn it on before I started chipping the jalapeno vines off.

Lately I've been watching the TV show called The Nanny. No body understands why I like it so much, but it's one of those shows that you can laugh at I guess. Scott finds it funny because his mother watches it... I guess I am an old lady. Okay - off to catch some sleep for a long week ahead of me.


  1. Way to go on the recreation of DD&D menu items. They sure do sound tasty. You should keep blogging about your culinary creations! Love you~brad
