Monday, January 18, 2010

Nap Time!

I am sitting here with my ears perked due to little Sam taking a nap in her crib. Last night was hard because Sam did not want to sleep, and I most cert. did want to! I guess these are the nights you forget? Scott has tomorrow and Wednesday off, and I am very excited to have him home for a couple of days. In a short two weeks I will be returning to work, I am excited to be back in action (at the moment). I am reading a great book called, "The Invisible Wall". It's a memoir with a little Jewish boy during World War I, and the struggles of Jews and Christians coming together. The little boy has a hard working mother who gives up everything for herself in order to give her kids everything she can. It's a very sweet story so far but yet there are hardships intertwined as well. I am looking forward to reading the rest of it. As I've gotten a little older, I've become more interested in history, too bad I didn't pay attention in high school or my three days of college history (haha). Maybe one day we will be able to afford to send me back to school, a day when I'll be able to appreciate it a little more than I did. Well Little Sam is starting to wake up, and soon she'll be angry for a bottle so I must go! Ta-Ta as the English people say.