Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My Best Friend, My Sister

When I was growing up, Kelli was always my "defender". I rarely remember fighting with her. We shared a room growing up (which I did not mind). I remember after I wet the bed (ha!) Kelli was always willing to take me into hers (after I changed of course). If I was sad Kelli was always there to comfort me, and share her knowledge with me. I remember she would let me hang out with her and her "cool" friends, rarely did she make me feel like the annoying little sister. I remember when Kelli went off to college I sobbed and sobbed in my bed because no longer did I have my roommate with me, and NO I was not excited to have my own room, I would have much rather her stay there with me. I learned a lot from my Sister, from all her blissful moments to her tragedies. There's something about having a sister to share all your hard times with, and something about that special bond you will forever have. Yes, we have had our screaming moments where we don't exactly see eye to eye but the moments of closeness are worth it. Our family has always known that Kelli is a strong women, and stands up for what she believes in, supports her family through thick and thin, Loyalty is tattooed on her heart. I have called her sobbing several times, and she always knows the exact right thing to say. She will drop anything for her family. One time I even called her while she was in Ft. Collins from my bed at my Parent's house because I was scared of something outside and couldn't get the guts to get up and go up to Dad and Mom's room. She calmed me down and I finally got the courage to run (quickly) up there. She has a calming effect. Kelli, you have been put through a lot, and yet you still have that big grin on your face, which gives me faith in myself to see your strength. God knows your are strong, and so do we all. I believe in you and think that you are an amazing wife and mother. Thank you for giving me strength and a shoulder to cry on for 21 years. I am so lucky to have such a strong and loyal sister. Muah! You're beautiful and so much fun!


  1. So sweet. You are BOTH very blessed! I love you!

  2. What a blessing and encouragement to me. YOU are and your words are. <3 I'm so very thankful to have a precious sister. You actually play a big role in lending me strength! Part of the Lord carrying us through sad periods of our lives is His provision of a perfectly knit network of people to listen, love, empathize, and give you grace. While it may seem that people don't need to hear encouragement like this all that often, THEY DO! Your loving words give me hope today. <3
