Monday, November 9, 2009

No Work

So, today is my first official day of not working. I guess it's good to be able to have some spare time to myself before my whole world is flipped upside down. Little Sam Rose will hopefully be here by the 24th but we'll have to see how everything goes. I slept in this morning, ate some honey nut cherios than sat down for some TV. I guess I'll have to find some new things to take up the time in my day. We'll see... I put in a half hour of Wii Fit Plus and now my knees ache so I guess that's a sign to take a break. I think I might take Lina out for a walk, she hasn't been on one in awhile. Maybe there's a spot for a nap as well. I don't think the animals know what to think about me being home and them not being locked up. Well, hopefully Scott doesn't have to work too hard this week and he can get home at a reasonable hour. My next OB appointment is on Friday, so until than I won't know much about what's going on with little Sam. Hopefully I'm dialated to something! Cross your fingers.

1 comment:

  1. That monkey is weird! I hope you have some time to write in your journal and read aloud to your sweet self!
