Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday

So Tomorrow is my first Monday working in a long time. I am very excited to have Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday off, But I do have to work this Saturday. Today, Scott plans to watch football all day so I might just have to get out and do some shopping because sitting on the couch all day watching tv is not my thing. Right now George and Lina are to my right taking some early morning naps while Scott is on my left playing some violent video game... blah.. Hopefully soon he gets up and makes some yummy pancakes, I might have to hint at him to do that. Hopefully the weather stays cold all day because that is the Sunday weather I can appreciate. Maybe it will make it a little easier to stay inside all day. Thursday is my 32 week appt. and I'm excited to hear what they have to say, and hopefully I can get the h1n1 shot soon! It would give me a huge relief.


  1. Those pups are super cute! SO are YOU!
    I hope your day is peachy. I love you!

  2. A agree, rainy, cool Sundays are delicious. Praise God your stormy moment passed! I love you. Have fun at work tomorrow!
