[Jesus said], In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
-John 16:33
-John 16:33
I often find myself wondering why must life be so stressful? Why can't we just simply have fun while we are here? Obviously there are many answers to this question. If life was easy that we would never learn anything about ourselves, we would never be tested on who we are, and we would walk around never being forced to turn to Jesus. There are times why I ask God why must I be put in a certain situation or why has this happened to me? Obviously it sounds selfish, and I should probably be thinking about how there are so many other people out there that have it way harder. I know that my dad has used the saying, "Well, if that's the worst thing that happens all day, you're having a pretty good day." Which is so true. Why must we sit there in self pity acting like we are the victim of this world. Obviously God has a plan for us, it's just sometimes we fail to see the reasoning behind some things. I know that I get really upset about how H1N1 becomes a huge threat to pregnant women when I'm PREGNANT. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to scream up to Him, "Really??? Are you serious?" But, than again I have to think about the reasoning behind it. Maybe He's testing me, or maybe He's helping me realize that you can't walk in fear like "What About Bob" as Kelli has referred to me. I often find myself running into a "cave" in fear which Satan has brought upon me instead of walking towards the light, and just telling God, "Here I am, I will follow." I guess we also have to keep in mind that there are some situations in which God does not intend for us to know why He has done it or what the plan is. Sometimes it's just best to keep going and not find the reason. I guess the main idea is to escape from your cave of fear, anger, discouragement, disappointment, or failure, and come closer to Him and trust in Him. And whether you find an answer to your questions or not, just know that it's happening for a reason and it's something you can trust.