Saturday, October 31, 2009

Your Cave

[Jesus said], In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
-John 16:33
I often find myself wondering why must life be so stressful? Why can't we just simply have fun while we are here? Obviously there are many answers to this question. If life was easy that we would never learn anything about ourselves, we would never be tested on who we are, and we would walk around never being forced to turn to Jesus. There are times why I ask God why must I be put in a certain situation or why has this happened to me? Obviously it sounds selfish, and I should probably be thinking about how there are so many other people out there that have it way harder. I know that my dad has used the saying, "Well, if that's the worst thing that happens all day, you're having a pretty good day." Which is so true. Why must we sit there in self pity acting like we are the victim of this world. Obviously God has a plan for us, it's just sometimes we fail to see the reasoning behind some things. I know that I get really upset about how H1N1 becomes a huge threat to pregnant women when I'm PREGNANT. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to scream up to Him, "Really??? Are you serious?" But, than again I have to think about the reasoning behind it. Maybe He's testing me, or maybe He's helping me realize that you can't walk in fear like "What About Bob" as Kelli has referred to me. I often find myself running into a "cave" in fear which Satan has brought upon me instead of walking towards the light, and just telling God, "Here I am, I will follow." I guess we also have to keep in mind that there are some situations in which God does not intend for us to know why He has done it or what the plan is. Sometimes it's just best to keep going and not find the reason. I guess the main idea is to escape from your cave of fear, anger, discouragement, disappointment, or failure, and come closer to Him and trust in Him. And whether you find an answer to your questions or not, just know that it's happening for a reason and it's something you can trust.

Monday, October 5, 2009

A Thankful Heart

"The wise are glad to be instructed, but babbling fools fall flat on their faces."
-Proverbs 10:8-

Today was my first 11.5 hour day, and it went very well. I've learned that the most I just listen and smile and take in as much as I can, the better my day goes. I watch people fight instruction, and they just seem to be leaving a lot more discontent than I am. The more that I am willing to listen, the more people are willing to teach me. Only being twenty years old, I feel that I have matured a lot through this job, and learned a lot about myself, and a lot through others. Today, when I got home, Scott was making dinner, and Lina was eagerly awaiting my homecoming. It felt so nice to come home to a sweet husband and an eager pet after a day of work. It's amazing how much a "Thank you" can do for a person. Before I sat down to do my blogging, I did the dishes, and Scott came up to me, kissed me, and said Thanks for the doing the dishes... It made me smile, and feel truly appreciated. It makes me realize that telling people Thanks for doing little things really goes a long way. Maybe that's what all the angry people at work are missing? Maybe no one has thanked them for doing something lately... Maybe there is something going on at home perhaps? I've learned not to pry when people are angry but rather just smile at them and listen to them. Maybe everyone just needs a pat on the back every once in awhile?

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Luke 24:38-39

"Why are you frightened?" he asked. "Why are your hearts filled with doubt? Look at my hands. Look at my feet. You can see that it's really me. Touch me and make sure that I am not a ghost, because ghosts don't have bodies, as you see that I do."
A common problem that I have in my life is fearing everything possible. It's been a bad habit since I was little. Fearing the worst, and never really hoping for the best. I always obsess about everything bad that is possible and even things that are pretty impossible. It reminds me of the "Betta" on the movie My Girl. She thinks that she has every disease including prostate cancer because she is so terrified of death. I catch myself always worrying about things that will end my life... But a question that I don't usually ask myself is why am I so terrified of death...? If I die I go to heaven... what is wrong with that? That is eternal bliss? Shouldn't I be content with whatever happens and knowing that it is his plan not mine. A common fear lately is what if I catch H1N1 and die, and never get to see my first born child. Sometimes I even wake up in a sweat about it, and can't get back to sleep... Why don't I ever tell myself that that is his plan, and I will never know his plan so there is nothing I can really do to stop the road I have mapped out for me. Sometimes I even admitting to myself that if I wasn't worrying about this, I would be worrying about something else. Is that a way to live your life? Shouldn't you be sucking up every last drop of joy you can instead of obsessing about the negative? So the question I need to ask myself is, "Why am I frightened? Why is my heart filled with doubt?" I need to to trust in him and his plans and spend my time how ever long it may be enjoying life. Now, here comes the hard part... believing and trusting.

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday

So Tomorrow is my first Monday working in a long time. I am very excited to have Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday off, But I do have to work this Saturday. Today, Scott plans to watch football all day so I might just have to get out and do some shopping because sitting on the couch all day watching tv is not my thing. Right now George and Lina are to my right taking some early morning naps while Scott is on my left playing some violent video game... blah.. Hopefully soon he gets up and makes some yummy pancakes, I might have to hint at him to do that. Hopefully the weather stays cold all day because that is the Sunday weather I can appreciate. Maybe it will make it a little easier to stay inside all day. Thursday is my 32 week appt. and I'm excited to hear what they have to say, and hopefully I can get the h1n1 shot soon! It would give me a huge relief.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Ready for the Weekend

After a long week of work, I am ready for the weekend. Tomorrow, I plan to sleep for at least four hours while Scott is at work. I am very excited and I'm sure Sam is too. It is officially October which is exciting! Yahoo October is my favorite month, I don't know if it's because my Birthday month or because of the fall feelings that come along with it... or maybe both. Anyways, yahoo for October. Scott's birthday is next Thursday and he will be 31! What an ol' man. We will be going to Ted Montana's for dinner and I have bought him a Bronco waffle T-shirt. Next Thursday is when my next OB appt. and I will be 8 months along, let's all hope for good and healthy news. Well, it's off to work for me... another day of training.. wahoo. Oh well the lady I'm training is very nice and easy to train so hopefully it goes by quickly!