Friday, September 25, 2009

Feeling Defeated

Work has been a challenge... We are switching to a new schedule so now we are working three 11 hour days and then we get the following 4 off! I am very excited because now taking care of the baby will be much easier with my schedule. BUT, at work not many people seem to be excited about it, and I can see some of their concerns but right now we really have no option. We have jobs and this is the way the practice is going... I see it as either we go along with the plans or we go find other jobs. I would like to go along with the practice because right now I see my job as a blessing. For the past few weeks I feel that all that has gone on is rude comments and rebellion. I try to give some leadership but every time I do people get defensive or will back me up in private but then when we start talking about it with everyone else, they change their mind. I feel like I am stuck and have no option now but to just keep my mouth shut, and not give anyone positive or negative reactions because either one you give, people tend to find some negative in it. I was also asked how much time I was going to be taking off for maternity leave, and I felt like it was "suggested" I only take four weeks off... and I kinda had already decided that if I was going to be a working mom that I was going to take as long as I could. And now that work is not so fun anymore... really why would I rush back to all these people who don't support each other at all, and who really don't care about each other as much as the pretend. The only person I feel support from right now is my office manager and I guess if you have that relationship everyone wants to be rude to you. We'll see what happens today... went to bed at 8, woke up @ 3 because I couldn't sleep... what will happen today... I'll keep my head down and work and respond yes or no... those are my only options for today.


  1. Keep loving and manifesting faithfulness. Take care of your precious cargo.

  2. Sorry to read about all that junk going on at your work. It does not sound fun. Just remember, we are not of this world. We are from and in a much better place with our wonderful Lord. He will always support you! Love you!

  3. Is often darkest before the dawn :)
